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Latest data: Three billion animals affected by Australian forest fires

 As you know, severe forest fires occurred in Australia recently. A recent report has studied the impact of the disaster on the surrounding ecosystem and found that the danger is three times higher than previously estimated.

According to the latest data from the World Wide Fund Nature (WWF), nearly three billion animals have been killed, injured and displaced by Australian forest fires that occurred during 2019-2020. This includes 143 million mammals, 2.46 billion reptiles, 180 million birds, and 51 million frogs.

"This number shows that it is the worst wild disaster in history," said Dermot O'Gorman, CEO of WWF Australia.

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Titled Australia's 2019-2020 Bushfires: The Wildlife Toll, the report looks at the impact of forest fires on 11.46 million hectares of land, mainly in southeast and southwest Australia and rainforests in Northern Australia.

In January, when the fire broke out, scientists at WWF estimated that around 1.25 billion animals might be killed by the incident. But apparently, the amount is far more.

According to the report, not all animals die instantly in a fire. However, looking at the scale of its destruction, the researchers concluded, most of the three billion animals were affected indirectly such as injuries, habitat loss and food shortages.

Reptiles are the hardest hit of all animal taxa, with 2.46 billion affected by fires. This is because reptiles live in high densities. For example, several species of lizards can live together — more than 1,500 individuals in one hectare.

It is impossible to measure exact mortality due to lack of data on animal density and the complexity of how various factors affect different animals. However, despite this, the report still provides a grim picture of the extent of Australia's ecosystems affected by forest fires in 2019-2020.

The report also provides a number of recommendations on how the world can help reduce the severity of future forest fires through forest management. For example by increasing habitat connectivity in order to help species escape when forest fires occur

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